If you are an organization offering Employee Benefits to your Full Time Eligible Employees, you understand the struggles of maintaining a compliant and affordable program that will Attract, Maintain and Motivate your employees.
We have developed a creative and unique approach to provide value to all your employees. Let’s face it….. Not all employees value Employee Benefits the same. Your younger staff do not want anything coming out of their checks while your middle and older age employees depend on Employee Benefits for comprehensive and affordable coverage. Where is the Middle Ground?
Health Savings Accounts (H.S.A.) or Health Reimbursement Accounts (H.R.A.) – Establishing a high deductible Medical Plan along with a qualified tax differed / tax deductible benefit can be a win – win for all employees as well as the employer. CLICK HERE to download a copy of our ” Employers Guide to H.S.A.’s , F.S.A.’s and H.R.A.’s to learn more.
Or…… Call us to learn how these programs can reduce the cost of your Employee Benefit Offering and create value to Attract, Retain, and Motive the Top Talent in your Industry.
If you have questions and need additional information, call Mike Alexander Jr. at 281-921-1300 or Mark Evans at 281-448-3040 to discuss your options.
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