The cost of not having an Updated, Comprehensive Employee Handbook

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DO YOU HAVE AN UP-TO-DATE, COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK? A well-written and well-maintained employee handbook is vital from a legal standpoint. Our clients have access to two versions of a completed employee handbook that is regularly reviewed and updated by attorneys. DO YOU HAVE A SMALL OR UNDERSTAFFED HR DEPARTMENT?  HR departments are often short […]

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What is Labor Day and Why do we celebrate it?


Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.   It was created by the labor movement in the late 19th […]

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What are you doing to keep your Employees?

In a “Full Employment Economy”, employers are having a difficult time keeping their top talent.    While a higher income may win over some employees, studies have shown that most employees would trade additional salary for security and “perks”.    Establishing a comprehensive employee benefit program will change the culture of your organization. Did you […]

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How to prepare for Hurricane Barry

While we “Hunker Down” in anticipation for Tropical Storm / Hurricane Barry, we wanted to share a Hurricane and disaster prepare list. Hurricanes can shatter lives as well as damage property. Being prepared can help you, your family or your business minimize the impact of the storm. The best way time to start is before […]

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Major Hotel Chain faces fines from data hacking – Is your Business at Risk

Another data breach……Companies can no longer avoid the potential risk of hackers breaking into vulnerable computer networks and stealing data. If you own, operate or manage a business, you have to consider the possibility of this happening to you. Hacker knowledge has outpaced the security measures network engineers use to prevent their systems becoming compromised. […]

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Benefits Toolkit – How Employers are Controlling Healthcare Cost

It’s no secret—health care costs in the United States have risen sharply over the past two decades. In fact, a study by the Journal of the American Medical Association found that U.S. health care spending increased by nearly $1 trillion from 1996 to 2015. In 2018, the average premium rose 3% for single coverage and […]

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Hope can come with a Cancer Diagnosis

Today, January 15th marks the 6th year of my wife passing due to breast cancer.   I can tell you from my experience, the loss of a loved one does not fade with time but rather remains present in your thoughts and mind.  Awaiting a trigger to remind you of a place in time when things […]

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You must enroll into a plan by December 15th or wait until next year

As a responsible family, you secure health coverage to protect you and your family in the event of a health concern so that you or your family will be able to receive the care required to regain good health. Today’s individual health insurance market place, include HMO’s with high rates and high deductibles.  “What good […]

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